By Joe Kiarie

There was drama in Parliament buildings on Thursday after Makadara MP Gideon Mbuvi engaged Attorney General Githu Muigai in a near-physical confrontation.

MPs and parliamentary staff were caught unawares by the daylight altercation that reportedly left one Sergeant-At-Arm nursing minor injuries. Mbuvi, popularly known as Sonko, is said to have accosted the AG over a disputed piece of land near Muthangari Police Station, Nairobi.

He claimed he rightfully owns the land but protested that some individuals recently grabbed it.

Wrote to AG

In what could explain why he targeted the soft-spoken Muigai, Sonko claimed that the ‘grabbers’ had subsequently written to the Attorney General saying the disputed plot legally belonged to them and that no one should lay claim to it. They also reportedly claimed that the MP had been threatening and intimidating them over the land ownership saga.

A fuming Sonko loudly protested that Muigai was taking sides with “land grabbers”. Efforts by one parliamentary Sergeant-at-Arms, a Mr Okola, to cool down the tempers bore no fruits, with a stubborn Sonko hell bent on driving his point home. Reports say Okola suffered minor injuries in the process.

Sources within the AG’s Chambers yesterday confirmed that Muigai has now ordered the CID to probe the MP’s land grabbing claims and come up with a report for action.

Sonko, who is notorious for his aggressive approach to issues, did not limit his Thursday menu of attention-grabbing drama to the altercation with the AG. Dressed in a blue suit, the youthful MP was on the same day ordered out of the Chambers by Temporary Speaker Joyce Laboso for disorderly behavior.

Sonko, who is no stranger to attracting the Speaker’s wrath, was ejected after he shouted ‘mwizi wewe’ (you are a thief) as Transport Minister and Deputy Leader of Government Business Amos Kimunya was addressing the House.