Laikipia Woman Representative Cate Waruguru. [Edward Kiplimo, Standard]

Laikipia Woman Representative Catherine Waruguru maintains that she will be in Kenya’s next Parliament, despite losing in the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) primaries.

Waruguru, in an interview with KTN News on Friday, reaffirmed her commitment to UDA and the DP William Ruto-led Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

“The most important thing is that I be one of the members of the 13th Parliament. And, I want to assure you that I’ll be sworn into office as a Member of Parliament after the August 9 General Election,” the Woman Rep said.

Waruguru decried being used as a pawn during the party primaries in Laikipia East Constituency. Still, she is aware politics is akin to a game of chess, which commands moving with speed and wit.

 “UDA nominations were unfair, but I have discussed this with our party leader. I will not allow external factors to keep me away from my goals under Kenya Kwanza."

The lawmaker lost the bid to run for the Laikipia East MP seat on a UDA ticket, trounced by Amin Deddy, who got 12,743 votes. Waruguru got 5,595, a difference of 7,148 votes.

She added that her focus is now on supporting the deputy president in his quest to become Kenya’s fifth president.

“I’m now in Ruto’s presidential campaign team and will concentrate on campaigning for him as he seeks to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.”

On Azimio la Umoja’s choice of Martha Karua as Raila Odinga’s running mate, Waruguru avowed that the Narc-Kenya party leader is a good person at heart, but who is “being used to advance Azimio’s agenda.”

“Karua is a good candidate but I see her as a bombing packaging…an atomic bomb with icing sugar waiting to explode,” said Waruguru.