Medical health operators rush to assist a suspected Covid-19 patient at the Kajiado County Referral Hospital yesterday. The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council (KMPDC) wants the National Covid-19 testing team to carry out mass testing within Kitengela, Kajiado and Mlolongo towns. [Peterson Githaiga, Standard]

The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council (KMPDC) wants the National Covid-19 testing team to carry out mass testing in Kitengela and Mlolongo towns following a surge in infection cases.

In a letter addressed to the Director-General of Health Dr Patrick Amoth, the council says it has information to the effect that there could be more Covid-19 cases in the two areas.

The letter, signed by KMPDC CEO Dr Daniel Yumbya, comes barely a week after the same council temporarily closed Shalom Hospital in Athi River following reported deaths due to coronavirus.

It was reported that three patients died, and one member of staff contracted coronavirus. The hospital has since been re-opened.

Two days ago, an employee at Athi River-based Export Processing Zone died a day after being diagnosed with the virus.

Yesterday, acting EPZ CEO Henly Obino, said that the management has since developed an initial contact list of staff who might have had close contact with the victim and that they are organising for testing. “The results of the first sample will guide the authority on the next measures to take,” Obino said.

He ordered that all motor vehicles be grounded for fumigation. He said all their offices will also be fumigated. The zone has more than 15,000 workers, although the number has reduced due to the effects of the pandemic.

Kajiado County, whose first case was in Ongata Rongai, has done its part in establishing isolation centres for any eventualities. according to Governor Joseph Lenku.

County Health CEC Member Esther Somoire said they are working closely with Health Ministry.