Nairobi, Kenya: Doctors at Kenyatta National Hospital say Fatuma Ibrahim is out of danger after it took a team of 5 doctors one hour to remove the knife lodged on her cheek.  Vital organs, blood vessels and nerves were affected.

Dr. Edwin Rono the official doc says she will however not receive visitors till next week, he added that she will be in hospital for about 5 more days.

Fatuma Ibrahim, 32, was taken to Wajir County Referral Hospital yesterday morning with severe bleeding from knife wounds. A knife was also lodged in her cheek and doctors at the facility were unable to dislodge it. A doctor, who could not be quoted since he is not authorised to speak to the media, said they were unable to remove the knife that was stuck at the woman's cheek bone. "We have been struggling since yesterday morning to remove the knife that was stuck in the victim's right cheek since she was brought to hospital by her relatives. We have now referred her to Nairobi, where an operation can be done to dislodge the knife," he said.

Ibrahim, a mother of 4 children is said to have been attacked by her husband following a domestic quarrel that has been going on for several weeks.

The assailant, Mohamed Deeq, 36, is alleged to have pounced on his wife with a knife shortly after returning from a herding expedition, after picking a quarrel with her. Ibrahim raised alarm immediately and the assailant's elder brother responded to her distress calls and dispossessed the knife from Deeq.

He said the assailant was arrested by officers from the local police station and would be taken to Wajir police station for interrogation. He added that Deeq will appear in court today.