By FeverPitch Reporter

Vice President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka is now a first dan karate black belt holder.

The Vice President, who is the Patron of Kenya Karate Federation (KKF), was officially given the belt by KKF team led by chairman Sensei Caleb Atemi, vice chairman Samson Bebora, technical commissioner Sensei Bon Owiti and assistant technical commissioner Sensei Anderson Katana.

The colourful ceremony held at Malindi’s Blue Marlin Hotel was part of the International Karate Clubs Championship that assembled karate athletes from five nations.

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka (standing second right) with Tanzania team during International Karate Championship in Malindi.

The ceremony was witnessed by Police Spokesman Eric Kiraithe, Malindi MP Gideon Mungaro and the host of the event Roberto Mariani.

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka said he will use his black belt status to promote the virtues that karate espouses and to intensify the war on drugs.

"Let my political rivals beware of my new status now," he said jokingly amid great applause.

Atemi said that black belt is one the highest honours given to an individual who has practiced karate for a long time or made immense contributions to the growth of the sport.

"We look at the person’s wholesome character," Atemi said.

"We seek individuals who are physically fit enough to execute certain moves and exercises and who promotes the teachings of karate which are; humility, respect for others, respect for elders and our seniors, and dedication to serving humanity. Our Patron has satisfied us in all these areas and has thus earned his black belt," he added.

He added that since the Vice President does not take alcohol and neither does he smoke, he was the right individual to officially open the Malindi tournament who’s twin theme was fighting drugs and promoting sports tourism.