Prophet Carmel and Reverend Lucy Natasha. [Courtesy]

Reverend Lucy Natasha and Prophet Stanley Carmel have been the talk of town in recent days especially after sharing photos of their romantic Valentine’s outing.

During a sit-down with content creator Lynn Ngugi, the couple spoke about a number of issues including ministry, love and cultural differences.

Prophet Carmel is originally from India but currently resides in Canada while Rev Natasha is Kenyan. The two met on social media and graduated from friends to lovers, perhaps a ray of hope to all those trying to find love on the internet.

Carmel revealed how he was gobsmacked by Natasha’s beauty and passion for Christ that he had to risk it all.

“I was invited to preach at a certain place and the lady of the house showed me a video of Natasha preaching about a royal wedding.

“I felt a spark and I had to slide into her DM. It was like talking to myself but I never lost hope,” said Carmel, suggesting that he never got replies but he kept trying.

Natasha, on her part, stated that Carmel’s persistence grabbed her attention and despite the numerous DMs she would get, the preacher’s messages had something different. (Learn to be different guys!)

“One thing I liked about him was his persistence. He kept encouraging me and I never thought it would lead to a relationship. After sometime I started replying his messages

“We first became friends before lovers. Later on we were both in the US at the same time in Dallas and as they say, the rest is history,” said a blushing Natasha.

The couple stated that it was easy to connect because of their mutual interests and the fact that they both come from strong Christian backgrounds.

Natasha revealed that she had been praying for a husband and wanted a prayer partner, not a prayer point.

“There are reserved people and some are the opposite. People can meet online and fall in love. There are a lot of scammers and you ought to do due diligence. We had so many mutual friends.

“When you marry the right person you are complete but when you marry the wrong person you are finished,” said Natasha who revealed they are traditionally married but have plans to do a white wedding in India and a celebration in Canada.


The couple admitted that they have faced a number of challenges in their union, key among them being cultural differences, but they have gradually managed to overcome them.

“There have been some challenges but the fact that we are both exposed to different cultures has really helped.

“In the Indian culture the woman pays dowry…in the Kenyan culture, it is the man. We found a middle ground,” she said, without stating whether she paid dowry in full.

“The food is also different but I am learning how to cook Indian dishes. It is a good adjustment,” she remarked.

Faking miracles/Cultism

Natasha has often been accused of faking miracles and some have even claimed she is heading a cult, claims she rubbished stating she does not need to seek relevance.

Asked about a man whose face is often seen among those who have received miracles, Natasha said it is common for one person to walk to the front during different altar calls.

“Our ministry has been at the forefront of preaching Christ and reaching generations. All our services are live and everything we do is live…we have nothing to hide.

“People go on social media and fabricate lies…we believe in healing and deliverance. In church we do different altar calls and the same person can come forth even more than twice,” she remarked.

Adding: “Jesus is the healer and we do not have to prove a point.”