Jubilee’s Mathare MP aspirant Kevin Bahati in tears after allegedly being asked to step down, he was cleared to run on the ticket last week. [Twitter]

Musician Kevin Kioko, popularly known as Bahati, has hinted at foul play after being urged to drop his parliamentary bid in favour of an ODM aspirant just days after receiving his nomination certificate to fly Jubilee's flag in the August 9 General Election.

Jubilee and ODM, are the founding members of the Azimio la Umoja alliance.

His quest to unseat  ODM's Anthony Oluoch seems to have hit a stumbling block.

Machozi hitmaker Kevin Bahati Kioko cried foul during a press conference in Nairobi. [Standard]

A tearful Bahati told reporters today, Monday, that he had been asked to back an ODM candidate as part of the Azimio la Umoja Coalition Party arrangement.

"I know there is zoning and Mathare has been zoned as an ODM area but for this one time, give the youth of this country a chance. Give the people of Mathare a chance to choose the leader they have always wanted," Bahati said urging President Uhuru and the Azimio presidential aspirant Raila Odinga.

"I respect you my president and I respect Raila Amollo Odinga but please, give the youth of this country a chance,” he added.

Speaking to The Standard Entertainment, Bahati said that the current Member of Parliament Anthony Oluoch is the man behind his woes.

“Truth be told, the sitting MP has done nothing for his constituents and based on the influence I got among the youths he decided to play high-handedness in the whole matter,” he said.

“At the just concluded party primaries, I emerged the winner flooring all other candidates and Kenyans witnessed my win. Even the opinion polls showed I was the force this time round. Yeye mwenyewe anajua tukienda head to head ataenda Nyumbani [he knows very well that when we go to the polls, he will lose] very early in the morning that is why he has chosen not to play by the rules,” said the confident entertainer cum politician.