Baby Kanye being held [Image: Kanye West/Twitter]

Kanye West has thanked his parents for 'letting him live' as he returned to Twitter after the devastating outbursts of a couple weeks ago. The 43-year-old rapper has been keeping a lower profile on social media of late as he looks to save his marriage with Kim Kardashian after claiming that he has been trying to divorce her for the past two years.

He is reportedly on a 'make or break' holiday in the Caribbean with the 39-year-old Keeping Up With The Kardashians star after he claimed that she had wanted to terminate her first pregnancy. Kanye has now thanked his parents for taking the decision to keep him and not have the abortion that he claimed his father had wanted.

He wrote in a tweet: "Thank you God and mom and dad for letting me live." Kanye accompanied it with a black and white compilation pic of him as a newborn in his parents' arms. The rapper had previously claimed that his mother "saved my life" as she went against his father's wishes.

Series of photos shared by Kanye West on Twitter

Chicago-born Kanye was in tears at his campaign event when speaking about his beginnings, saying: "My Mum saved my life. My Dad wanted to abort me." He went on to add: "There would have been no Kanye West. Because my Dad was too busy."

Kanye had a lot to say at the event about abortion and announced that women should be discouraged from having them, with government being encouraged to give money to women for having children. He continued: "Abortion should be legal but the option of maximum increase should be available.

See also: Kanye West apologises for hurting Kim Kardashian

"Everybody who has a baby gets a million dollars or something." There were thoughts that Kanye was shelving thoughts of running for president after he missed the deadline in many states along with worries among the Kardashian clan about how it was affecting his mental health.

Baby Kanye being held [Image: Kanye West/Twitter]

Kim has warned that she felt her husband was amid a bipolar episode and called for "compassion" as spoke out controversially about her and Kris Jenner. He later apologised to Kim on social media saying that she always "has my back" and that he had let her down by not reciprocating.

Baby Kanye [Image: Kanye West/Twitter]

Before sharing his baby photos, Kanye had announced on Twitter: "THE GOAL IS TO WIN"