In the era that we live in, relationships are created quickly and broken within no time. Before your love life breaks up, there are signs that may help you fix matters before it is too late.

According to Richie Kirui, a sociologist based in Nairobi, inadequate affection or intimacy is a green indicator that two sweethearts are quickly falling apart.

“Lack of intimacy in total indicates that the spirit of love is waning. Of course, intimacy can be spiritual, relational, emotional and for those in love, physical,” Kirui shares.

Physical Intimacy has a way of renewing the spirit of love. Soul mates should ensure that they find enough time to spend and share moments together so that to restore and brighten their love life.

With the exception of lack of affection, there are a myriad of other indicators that spell doom for a man and woman in love.

In the opinion of Kirui, if you say you are in love with someone but still you are in continuous touch with ex-boyfriends and girlfriends, then probably your relationship is destined to fail.

True, in the digital world it is impossible to avoid connecting with ex-lovers through socio-media platforms such as Facebook or twitter and as a result, sometimes rekindling the old memories of love.

“It is only fair, for the sake of your current love, to desist from such social platforms to guard against a dramatic break-up. Cut off your old darlings from your social life and you will enjoy your new love,” Richie advises.

Another sign that a relationship cannot hold is when Unrealistic expectations crave in. Once the lovers begin to live a lifestyle that they will not sustain for long, then it means that in a matter of time the romance would shrivel up. Patience and tolerance is a big treasure in a achieving the expectations of the soul mates, provided they are realistic.

Also, some lovebird are fond of engaging in a terrible, abusive talk. In the opinion of Frank Ochiro, a church pastor, stern and abusive talk can extinguish a good relationship irreparably. Lovebirds should wholly refrain from sarcastic talks about each other since such amounts to manipulating their feelings.

“For a durable love life the sweeties should engage each other with full respect, love, appreciation, kindness and trust,” pastor Ochiro expresses.

Lastly, misunderstanding is another tragic precursor to the fall of a love relationship. Unclear, suspicious communication leads to drifting apart of two sweethearts.

“To prevent misunderstanding, there should be effective communication that assures, affirms and encourages rather that tears apart,” Pastor Ochiro concludes.