Dandora's Stunt 101

Commuters on other routes have for a long time made fun of nganyas plying the Dandora route.

But things are changing in Dandora and older mathrees are going back to the workshop to be souped-up.

One such nganya that now sports a sexy look is Stunt 101.

The mathree, which was voted the best when it comes to choice of music and sound quality, has invested in serious features.

“It has the most expensive lighting and the swanky interior is bewitching. We imported most of the stuff and I am sure no one can beat us,” Mwas Mugabe, one of the crew members said.

The nganya has a 43-inch screen, two 21-inch screens and two 32-inch screens on the side.

It also has woofers and a costly booster courtesy of Rockford. No wonder, passengers refer to it as ‘Duka ya ma-Tv’.

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