Bridget Shighadi and Nick Mutuma [Photo: Courtesy]

Considering all the cuteness that Nick Mutuma’s baby must be packing, it is easy to see why his baby mama, Bridget Shighadi, had to share photos.

For the first time after she delivered, Shighadi has unveiled her baby and it is so adorable. Ever the model, she holds the baby in one hand while pocketing with the other serving us some serious sauce and attitude.

Baby Dua arrived in February weighing 3.1 Kgs and she is currently living with the Yedu CEO and model in the US where her family resides.

‘’Falling for you every single day, thank you for choosing me.’’ She posted alongside the photo.

Nick Mutuma on his part is also in the US pursuing a film course. It, however, remains unclear as to whether the two former lovers are back together.