It is essential and important that you master the technique of choosing fruits that are safe from hazardous toxic substance often used to ripen them by fruit entrepreneurs so that you may stay away from cancer and damaged organs.

Healthy living if not embraced can affect you and your family health up to the third generation. From quick study and sampling, here is a list of fruits you must eat but be cautious when purchasing.


Mood saving fruits like bananas are loved by many. Naturally ripened bananas have cream brown dots on their covers. The stalk is yellow and has that pleasant yellow color with the sweet banana smell.

calcium carbide ripened bananas have orange-yellow color, the stalk remains green despite the fruit being ripe and is hard on touch


This is our favorite antioxidant-rich fruit that when ripened naturally the black covered ones have a small pimple like inflammation all over and are soft when ripe. When cut, the inner part can stay for at least five minutes before turning black.

When calcium carbide is used in these fruits their cover is usually flawless and hard parches or lumps are felt when examined on hands

Paw paw

The papein in paw paw gets everyone excited when eating as it keeps reminding one that you are making a step away from cancer.Naturally, a paw paw would have the far end tips ripe last therefore would be hard on touch.

calcium carbide makes the whole paw paw ripe uniformly with extreme yellow color that when observed should scare you away though attracts uninformed individuals.


Almost all Kenyan meals have tomato ingredient in it, a very encouraging habit as far as nutrition is concerned. A naturally ripened tomato will have the stalk part ripe and soft.

Using calcium carbide on the ripened tomato will be soft throughout except for the stalk part centrally placed and run deep inside the tomato that will remain green and hard.


The Kenyan delicacy consumed abundantly in fresh fruit juice form and wholly as a fruit. Naturally ripened mangoes have small doted spots on the cover and are soft throughout the fruits.

Artificially ripened mangoes have some parts hard and the extreme ends show different color from the rest of the mango fruit.

by Clinical Nutritionist