How can you handle a partner’s smelly armpit? Or the contoured genitalia? Maybe it is the bad breath. Sexual hygiene is very vital to all relationships. Lack of personal hygiene can be a big sexual inhibitor in marriage. It can even cause tension, when one spouse has tried to lovingly express their reservations about their beloved’s lack of hygiene — only to be harshly rebuked or punished by passive aggressive behavior.

Personally I think that when a husband and wife make the effort to come to bed clean, they are more comfortable and uninhibited in enjoying each other’s bodies. Call me crazy, but comfort and lack of inhibition are key components of great sex in a marriage.

Plain and simple, good personal hygiene can be a turn on. If we want to be incredibly honest, we would admit that some sexual acts, such as oral sex, are just more pleasurable for both the husband and wife if both have taken the time to clean up.

Whereas the aim of most relationships is to uplift, compliment and love one another other; discussing such a topic with your loved one most times is very challenging. You could be shaving it completely contrast to his taste. In recent discussions, some men prefer just a little bit of well-trimmed contour not clean shaven that makes it look like that of a child. When you are not sure of his preference, you better bring up the topic in a hilarious way that he may not notice what exactly you wanted to know.

For the pretty ladies it is very easy to handle a dirty man. Prepare a warm bath after he’s from work. You can bath together; do the shaving as part of foreplay.

It is never wise to use a third party in communicating such a heavy message. When you are in the bedroom just the two of you bring it up in a loving way. Let him/her know that you care. Allow him to understand that whatever it is is making you uncomfortable and not fit for him/her as well. Give time for response. Try and understand one another.

 You might be surprised, though, what a difference it can make in your attraction to one another — and in your sexual intimacy — if you devote a little more time to personal hygiene.