There are a lot of factors that can impact our sex lives and how often we have sex with our partners. These factors include sex drive, age, lifestyle or even health. Most relationship experts have said that sex plays a major role to determine how healthy a relationship is.

A study from the Kinsey Institute for Research in sex shows that age can be used to predict how often a person has sex and some of the findings are not that surprising.

From the research, people aged 18-29 tend to have sex the most with an average of 112 sex sessions in a year. The research also showed that people between this age bracket have sex at least twice in a week.

Slowly going down, people aged 30-39 have sex at least 86 times per year which is an average of 1.6 times per week. Those aged 40-49 only manage to have sex at least 69 times in year.

The declining number of times people have sex shows how age plays a very vital part to determine how often you have sex. Older people tend to have more issues such as, daily stresses, increase in health problems, family obligations etc. that hinder them from having sex as often.

According to Dr. Justin Lehmiller "The basic storyline that has emerged from these studies is that, as we get older, our odds of developing chronic health conditions increases and this, in turn, negatively impacts the frequency and quality of sexual activity.”