Last week my friend decided to reveal the real reason as to why she became a lesbian and sent me this message via text.

Growing up, my parents never allowed me to get close to boys. They were so strict that they had someone watch me 24 hours a day seven days a week so I could not get close to any boy. They even hired someone to drive me to school and back home every day, and that is why I did not even go to a boarding school.

Stacy was the only friend I had. I told her everything, my feelings, what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go and what my plans for the future were. My parents let me go out with her but of course, with the company of a chauffer (Spy).

Stacy did not like this at all, but she had to stay with me because I had no one else. When the phrase ‘huyo dame ni gate kali’  is used, it perfectly describes me. At some point my dad wanted to home-school me but my mum refused saying that they would not have enough time to do that. My dad hired private female tutors to help me with school work.

I never knew how it felt to be close to a man. I felt comfort in Stacy and I developed feelings for her. This is because she understood me, she was always there, she gave me attention and she is the only person who i had spent the most time with. It was not a deliberate choice but circumstances led to my sexual orientation.  Since then I have always loved Stacy and I am not sure I will ever fall for any man. It really hurts when I come across persons who  look down upon lesbians especially in Kenya. We are just different and not wrong.

To all the parents out there, being strict is good but when its on the extreme, children end up being social misfits.