Pulse: In another life, he would be a...

Amileena: Probably an entrepreneur. I think a successful farmer somewhere out of town.

P: What do you think his nickname was when he was growing up?

A: That would be hard to tell. I would say Babu; he looks like those kids who everyone calls Babu.

P: If he was stuck on an island, what would be the first thing he did?

A: Look for his phone. He loves it way too much and I don’t think he would survive without it.

P: What is his biggest weakness?

A: He just has a big heart. I think he is too nice.

P: If you heard news that he had been arrested, what would be the likely offence?

A: With such a big heart? No. He can never be arrested.



Pulse: In another life, she would be a...

Calvo: A teacher. She has that caring, leading persona.

P: What do you think her nickname was when he was growing up?

C: Mary Poppins most likely. She has a way of popping in and out...

P: If she was stuck on an island, what would be the first thing she did?

C: Amileena would build a house, especially if it is one of those islands with trees and reeds.

P: What is her biggest weakness?

C: Snakes. I think she fears anything that crawls.

P: If you heard news that she had been arrested, what would be the likely offence?

C: Arguing with the arresting officers. Unlike most Kenyans, she knows her rights.