Did love have to do with your sudden weight loss?

Oh my! If a man doesn't like what he sees then he is not for me. The first thing you must understand I have never had an issue with being a plus-size woman, in fact I have stated that the only thing that would probably spring me into serious weight loss would be a threat to my health.

How was it a threat?

Last year, I began getting bad swollen feet.  At first, I thought it was change of weather when between Nairobi and the Coast as I was in and out quite often. I got water retention medicine, they calmed down for a month but relapsed for another three months.

Finally, I was in pain and went to see an osteoporosis doctor. We found that my blood vessels were not allowing blood to flow up my legs properly and I was at risk of developing a blood clot.

What was your reaction when your doctor told you that you needed to lose weight?

I was actually a bit frustrated wondering why gym hadn't worked as planned. I was not allowed to go to the gym any more due to the pain, but I needed to shed the weight to make it easier to sort that out. Doctor suggested swimming daily for an hour. I did that for a month and lost 3kgs. But the cold season was approaching and I wanted something more efficient.

What was your next plan?

I called my friend Clara Masinde, franchise owner of the Fat Loss Lab Kenya associated with Fat Loss Laboratory SA. The programme requires you to change what you eat, weight every portion based on a blood and hormone test specifically designed per individual.

This programme was designed by a group of six doctors based in South Africa to help get one's body back to its optimal operations without storing excesses. The fact is that it's designed to suit you means you can't share your meal plan because it could be harmful to the next person as it doesn't suit them.

Did you think the treatment was to be effective? 

As a typical Kenyan, I had my doubts, but given that I just couldn't imagine suffering a blood clot, I made up my mind to bite the bullet and pray it works. It's been quite the shocker at how fast this has been.

How much did you weigh and what's your target now?

A woman never reveals her weight. I set myself a target of shedding 45kgs in six months which is the time frame the programme guarantees. So far, I have lost 27kgs and going strong.

How is a typical day in your life since you began this journey?

I wake up at 4am shower then have a cup of herbal tea with Stevia sweetener then off to work. At 6am, I have my first portion of fruit. I have my breakfast which could be one egg with a specific portion of vegetables or a fish fillet portion with vegetables and herbal tea. I drink about five liters of water every day and between water and tea, I make it to lunch. I have been off red meat and wheat for seven years and instead, I have lean chicken breast or fish and vegetables. This is a way of life for me.

What do you miss the most about your body?

I am afraid my face is too thin. My cheeks are slowly fading and it scares me.

What's the reaction from people around you?

I think I noticed people getting confused wondering if it's actually me. Most men can't tell what's changed or don't know how to ask so they just say "Damn! You are looking good!" My co-host Shaffie is worried I'll be too small and has even tried to tell me not to take on the second half of my target. I will probably have to see how I look and decide. I have no plan of being thin though. Just a healthy fluffy girl. A man needs a little cushion to rest on!

Speaking of men are you dating?

No comment.

Regarding the song Rescue, have you seen the light?

It's a thanks giving song in honour of how far God has brought me. I know God and have a personal relationship with him. I don't do labels. I sing as I feel inspired.