Ababu and Prisca during happier times Photo:Courtesy

A beauty queen, a campus student and a niece are at the center of marital woes facing former Budalang’i MP Ababu Namwamba.

Ababu, now Chief Administrative Secretary (CAF) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has previously been accused of having affairs with blood relations. The latest incident has ensnared the niece of his wife, Prisca Mwaro.

Read Also: Ababu Namwamba’s family split over his love affairs with close family

Ababu’s marriage is said to be nosing south after Prisca allegedly left their matrimonial home over allegations that he was cohabiting with his niece, Cecilia Moraa, besides having affairs with two college students – one of whom has been identified Luciana Mimo Andafu, a student at Moi University who hails from Vihiga County but lives in Budalang’I. “She rarely goes out of the compound, but just enjoys the cool breeze from Lake Victoria,” said a neighbour.

Lucianna Mimo is a student at Moi University Photo:Courtesy

The other woman is 2018 Miss Tourism Busia winner, Ann Paula Machio, who is 21 years old.

She apparently met Ababu in May during the beauty pageant in Busia, where she won Sh75,000. The fourth-year student at Technical University of Mombasa hails from Butula Constituency, but is now holing up at Eden Valley Estate.

Ann Paula Machio is Miss Tourism Busia and said to be holed up at Eden Valley Estate with Ababu Photo:Courtesy

Although Moraa has since left, it is this chain of women which reportedly led to the domestic tiff between Ababu and Prisca who was informed by neighbours of the goings on.

Read Also: My forever best friend: Ababu Namwamba's wife shuts down rumours that she has left him

Prisca’s brother, Patrick Mwaro, told The Nairobian that “Ababu called me while at a funeral and asked me to tell Prisca to return Moraa’s bag” which she picked after gaining access to their house through a back door.

Patrick said Prisca is currently living alone and all has not been well since last December when she came to this house barefoot, panting and holding her naked child at night. Prisca told her brother that every time she picked up a call, what followed were altercations, but they would later fix a date to iron out the creases in their marriage.

According to Patrick, Ababu alleged that Prisca was cheating on him and drinks too much.

“I have told him that he is part of our family since they have three children with Prisca and in such cases, ties between families cannot be ignored, and it was up to him to decide whether he still wants to live with Prisca or not.

“You cannot force a man to live with a woman. If he has decided to call it quits with our daughter, so be it,” said Patrick, adding that, “I pleaded with him but he was adamant and unforgiving.”

Even after elders reportedly convened a meeting and resolved the matter. Ababu is said to have continued flirting with Moraa, prompting Prisca to leave their matrimonial home in early May. When she returned in late June to check on the children, Patrick says she found Moraa still pitching tent in the home.

When contacted by The Nairobian, Prisca said, “I don’t want to be involved in that story. Kindly contact Ababu or the girls.”

Ababu was in the village last week before flying out of the country and was not available for comment.

Ms Machio neither picked our calls nor responded to phone and WhatsApp messages. But a close friend of hers explained that their affair started during the beauty pageant in Busia when “they exchanged contacts on that night of Miss Tourism and later moved in with him (Ababu) at Eden Valley.”

Ann Paula Machio, Miss Tourism Busia with Ababu

Ababu lost the Budalang’I parliamentary seat in the August 8 General Election to Raphael Wanjala. But he was later nominated to the CAF position in the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

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