Some beneficiaries of a multi-million shilling dairy farming project have lost their livestock to the East Coast Fever disease.

The project was initiated by the county government of Kakamega.

County Livestock and Fisheries Development chief officer Frandina Machwenu said 23 cows had died due to the tick-borne disease and negligence by farmers.

The administration spent Sh55 million to buy 600 dairy cows in a bid to boost milk production. The county majorly relies on milk from neighbouring Nandi County.

Ms Machwenu noted that postmortem results indicated some cows had wires and nails inside them.

"We suspect malice in some of the cases reported, particularly in Matungu and Navakholo sub-counties," she said on phone yesterday.

Machwenu said most beneficiaries left the cows to roam and mix with indigenous breeds, despite being advised to confine them to special areas.