Contrary to the notion that no African had tested positive for Coronavirus, Health CS Mutahi Kagwe on Friday confirmed that the lady who tested positive in Kenya is of black skin.

Speaking during a presser in Nairobi, Kagwe rubbished claims that Africans cannot contract COVID-19.

“There has been this misguided notion that you can’t get coronavirus because (you’re black). The lady is 27 years and she is black,” said the CS.

When questioned whether the lady was screened at the airport, Kagwe stated that she was screened at all the airports she passed through but did not show any symptoms.

“The lady travelled from Ohio through Chicago through London, and finally landed Nairobi. In all these places she was screened.

“Even in Nairobi, she was screened but all the while she was fine. She didn’t display any symptoms,” he said.

Adding: “We have done all the contact tracing and have all the names including the people who sat next to her on the flights she took.”

CS Kagwe said all travels have been suspended more so to the affected countries to curb the spread.

He also said they had consulted with the Transport ministry and put measures in place to ensure safety of Kenyans travelling in PSV vehicles.

Also suspended is the visit to prisons for the next 30 days as the ministry monitors the situation.

Kagwe urged Kenyans to be cautious not to misuse social media to spread misinformation about the disease.

He called for unity among Kenyans and urged everyone to take responsibility in dealing with the pandemic.

“We shouldn’t look at the government, Kenyans must take responsibility to curb the spread… like providing handwashing points,” he remarked.