Nairobi County Governor Mike Sonko on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, said that he has developed a new perspective on how to rule Nairobi for the next two years.

Through Facebook, Sonko responded to those who questioned his trip outside the country. He insisted that his travels are for the best interests of Nairobi County.

In the same post, the county boss stated that there was no way he could have predicted that there would be chaos in the county assembly.

He then went ahead to tell those questioning his absence that there was no guarantee that he could have made any difference if he was in the country.

“To my beloved critics who I love a lot for making me stronger and even stronger every day and who say I could have made a difference if I was around during the skirmishes that happened at the County Assembly” read the post.

Sonko through the post narrated his entire time abroad and highlighted how his activities were for the best interest of the county.

The governor likened his travel to that of President Donald Trump who visits other countries to create channels through which the United States could prosper.

“Trump went for several foreign trips with one lasting from June 7th to 16th (9 Days) in Europe” Sonko stated in his post.