Most of the campus students have addressed the just ended lecturer's strike as precious but time wasting.

Some complained of the disruption of their year calendar whereas some ladies in the fourth year got pregnant with hopes to mother their off-springs after completing the last paper in April this year.

Others were much arrogant and considered this period a fantasizing a long holiday.

A visit to a TV room in one of the K.U male hostel, I heard students making fun of another, 'wewe unadanganya mzazi unasoma kumbe uko K.U kubet'.

Others enjoyed free EPL and Champion League matches which were being aired for free unlike in the village.

A close study in the computer center revealed that most students were busy gambling on sports betting and also hanging on social media since it was the only therapy to console the stomach on the two meal per day strategy for hunger harmonisation.

Dating was never an option but an objective to be achieved only if one had a Sportpesa bonus ; a dream that was always postponed after one game let down, 'gem moja tu imenitoa kwa 21K nkt!!' a mantra that every gambler sang on his way to the washrooms each morning.

Others embarked on keen follow up on each and every episode in a series.

Thanks to WiFi in every corridors of K.U.This habit has also been termed up as the ' Bachelors of Being Around '{BBA}.

One woke up with a categorical schedule to do the morning exercise, cleaning, meal where some issues are excluded voluntarily then movies.

The ones that their pockets threatened after a continuous lose in betting immediately called it a day and eventually left either in the morning or in the evening hence a countable number of few students around.

It was really a safe jungle where each animal survived on its on means.