Will There Be An Africa?

Are they really visions?

Or are they mere illusions?

Statements that are in themselves conclusions.

Dreams for the betterment of Africa’s conditions

Visions 2030, 2060, 2090,

Or any other visions there be.

Goals yet to be achieved.

A hypothetical future yet to unfold.

From Millenium development goals.

Now sustainable development goals.

Endless conventions to discuss these goals.

And never implementing actual projects.

Endless talks on unity.

Yet our governments practice impunity.

Democracy is for the paper we have monarchies.

And the continent tops in corruption.

Africa suffers extreme poverty.

Countless deaths due to terrorism and insecurity.

Hatred among its people, negative ethnicity.

Drug loads and perpetrators of hatred granted immunity

Will there be an Africa?

If our leaders continue to steal from us.

And take our monies to offshore banks.

While our economies are crippled?

Will there be an Africa?

If our markets shall be filled with imported goods.

When local products fetch low prices.

And local producers have to suffer the losses?

Will there be an Africa?

If we still entertain foreigners?

Who comes to us with silly niceties?

And take away our natural resources?

Will there be an Africa?

When all we can do is talk about peace

Yet our leaders finance terror groups?

And supply them with weapons to kill Africa?

Will there be an Africa?

If the few people who champion for change

Are silenced and killed in cold blood?

Never to be seen or heard again?

Will there be an Africa?

If the ideologies for change

Go no further than mere words?

Pr stunts and war of wits?

Will there be an Africa?

If Africa’s young men and women

Continue to languish in unemployment

Radicalization and endless crime?

Will there be an Africa?

If we detest our continent?

If our airports will daily be full

Of outbound flights to the west?

Will there be an Africa?

If in every state in the continent

There still will be only 10 billionaires

And millions of poor people?

Will there be an Africa?

If the reckless felling of trees continues?

Poaching and mishandling of natural resources?

Dreading desertification and global warming

Will there be an Africa?

If governments do not put their spending in check?

If taxpayers will continue to be burdened

By extrapolated public debts?

Africa Unite!

End the animosity

Join forces to counter terrorism

Work together to end insecurity

Enlighten Africa, end illiteracy

Empower Africa, end poverty

Guard your wealth!

Protect your natural resources

Reduce overdependence on foreign aid

Improve on your agriculture

Develop more industries

Improve on internal trade

May peace prevail in Africa!

Let us all work together

To build a better, stronger, peaceful Africa

An Africa, for Africans, by Africans

An Africa that embraces equality

An Africa where people live in unity

Bound by the beauty of their diversities

An Africa with a rich cultural heritage

An Africa that prides in her natural resource endowment

A coveted destination by tourists world over

A continent with visionary leaders

Flourishing economies, excellent social, political and economic systems

Let there be an Africa

That we shall all be proud and confident

To hand down to the generations to come

One continent, a united people, one Africa!

United states of Africa!


©Emmanuel Yegon