It’s coming towards the end of the semester and comrades know too well what is about to hit them. Exam. It’s certain that only few are ready for the exam while the rest are just hoping. Almost everyone feels nervous before an exam – it’s normal. Some develop butterflies in the stomach, doubt or the will I be able to answer the questions? And have I done enough preparation? Questions pop up.

A certain amount of exam anxiety keeps us energized, motivated, alert, and focused. But too much anxiety can interfere with exam performance by blocking our thinking abilities, fostering negative frames of mind, or even promoting panic reactions. Some people develop behavioral change during this time. For instance procrastination, excessive study, over or under eating, sleeping too much or too little, fatigue, alcohol and drug misuse, worry, going blank during the exam and remembering correct answers after the exam is over.

Things that contribute to exam anxiety are insufficient exam preparation that leads to cramming the night before an exam, inadequate study habits, and worrying about the exam performance. There are things one may do to avoid exam anxiety; Study throughout the semester to avoid last minute cramming. Do regular exercises to keep fit and maintain a good diet. Also avoid procrastination to studying, take short breaks during study to refresh your mind, drink plenty of clean water and listen to relaxing music. Also don’t forget to sleep well.

If the anxiety is severe and persistent or even goes beyond exam situations, you may benefit from seeing a physician or counselor.