At independence, Kenyans were a united group, looking forward to freedom and managing their own affairs. But little did we know that our very own politicians had their own plans for us. No sooner had we raised our flags, than divisions started appearing and every politician wanted something to gain even at the expense of others. As Kenyans we have never been a divided country except when a politician gives us a reason to be.

With the recent calls by Jubilee to unite as one party and therefore unite Kenyans comes out as a fallacy, for if it was unity then it was achieved after the signing of the MOU between Kibaki and Raila in 2008 and the partnering of the two main rivals, Kikuyus and Kalenjins to form the present government.  So there is truly no need to reunite Kenyans again as we are not at war with each other. When a government comes out to call on its citizens to unite, then it should explain who or what we are uniting against.

A government calls for unity when the country is faced with an enemy and currently our greatest enemies lie at the boarders and squarely within the government itself. These are the corrupt politicians and those acting with impunity at every corner as well as external groups that are well known.

If the government is true to its word on unity, it should go out to regions that voted overwhelmingly for it such as North Eastern where we have seen so many sporadic clashes between clans and cross border raids from other countries. These are the people and regions that should be called to unite.

Instead we have seen government officials "raiding" Opposition strongholds and enticing small brained politicians to meetings with an aim to unite them. What they fail to tell us is who or what are they being united against. If not the Opposition party heads, then who? For these regions are relatively peaceful and their only true enemies are their incompetent elected officials who have no serious idea of development strategies apart from receiving handouts from government officials.

Our true unity lies in the diversity of our politics, political parties and willingness to accept your neighbours’ choices. In its drive to unite Kenyans, we have seen some of its very own prominent politicians ditch the party.  So how will its unity agenda work on a national scale if it can’t work within its own party?

When a government that rolls out development projects and favours depending on who voted for it like we saw recently at an event at the coast, when a politician said, "you have to pay the fees because you did not vote for us in the previous elections", clearly shows the unity drive has no merit but is truly a covert war against the Opposition and their supposed supporters.

The only true unity being developed right now is a disguised war against the opposition, and in specific Raila Odinga. They are doing their best to portray him as an enemy within, someone against development of Kenya, a saboteur of the economy and someone who cannot accept and move on. Is it because he as head of the Opposition has asked for government accountability on things such as Euro bond, NYS and Chickengate? Or is it because of failure of the government to deliver on its promises and manifesto  and the only way to secure a new term would be by "uniting" Kenyans?

We must not forget that even if Jubilee won the election petition in 2013, almost half of the population did not vote for them in the last election and probably will not in the next no matter how many "unity" tours they make, accept and move on. We were once forced to unite under KANU and we saw what it brought us. The children of KANU are back. Are we prepared to face this all over again?