The inability to grasp true roots of terrorism have allowed it to flourish.

In a recent letter to western youth, the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei talked about terrorism and its roots. The importance of the letter was that it adds to a growing body of evidence and voices around the world speaking up and confronting state sponsors of terrorism.

Efforts of those who know the truth to inform those who yet do not, is having a gradual effect on the special interests driving global terrorism.

To solve any problem, one must first understand it fully.

The problem of terrorism has long been poorly understood by the majority of the Western public, and even policymakers. Their inability to grasp the true roots of terrorism has allowed it to thrive.

For most in the West, the reality that special interests in their own governments have created and perpetuated terrorism intentionally as a geopolitical tool is incomprehensible.

Unfortunately, it is also the truth and until they grasp that, those behind the terrorism will have a carte blanche to continue using it both at home and abroad, as a proxy force of violence, and as a tool to create fear and coercion.

The wars, instability, growing domestic police states, distrust among nations, and even within nations, among citizens, refugee crises, and others all are wrought from the use of terrorism as a geopolitical tool. Thus, it is at work within the heart of some of the most pressing issues of our time.