Deputy President William Ruto consoles Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka in Karen, Nairobi, on 29 October 2018. [Dennis Kavisu, Standard]

Leaders from across the political divide on Monday condoled with Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka whose father died on Sunday.

Peter Musyoka Mairu, 94, who was admitted at the Nairobi Hospital, had been sick since January, Kalonzo told The Standard.

In his condolences, President Uhuru Kenyatta said Mr Mairu’s contribution to the country’s development would be remembered for decades.

“My deepest condolences to you my brother Kalonzo, on the passing on of your father, Mzee Peter Musyoka Mairu. May the Almighty God grant you grace for this period. Our prayers are with you, your family and friends,” Uhuru said.

The President described Mairu as a visionary leader. Baringo Senator Gideon Moi also mourned Mairu, noting that he would be remembered for his outstanding service to humanity through philanthropic work and for his humility.

“His philanthropic work will always remain in the minds of many Kenyans whom he touched and those who interacted with him,” Senator Moi said in a statement.

“I pray to God to give your family, friends and relatives necessary fortitude to bear the loss during this difficult moment.”

And Deputy President William Ruto yesterday morning visited Kalonzo at his Karen home.

“We empathise with your family. We wish you the best at this trying moment. Just know the whole country is thinking about your family because of the loss of your father,” Mr Ruto told Kalonzo.

Opposition chief Raila Odinga also sent his condolences.

“My brother Raila called me yesterday and today morning when he was at the airport leaving for South Africa. He encouraged me, assuring me that the NASA fraternity is with me,” Kalonzo said.

He continued: “Through Raila, former Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete - a good friend of ours - also called me to send a message of condolence.”

Pole sana my brother Kalonzo...We share in your grief. May God grant comfort to your family at this trying moment,” Mr Raila said on Twitter.

NASA co-principals Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetang’ula described Mairu as a strong-willed patriarch.

“My brother and colleague Kalonzo, my sincere condolences upon the passing on of your father,” Mudavadi said.

Council of Governors Chairman Josephat Nanok said, “My deepest condolences and that of the CoG to Kalonzo and the larger family for the loss of their father."

Mairu will be buried on Saturday.