NASA Presidential candidate Raila Odinga(L) and Musalia Mudavadi(R) dance during Sabasaba Rally in Kamukunji ground, Nairobi on Friday 07/07/17.PHOTO:BONIFACE OKENDO

National Super Alliance (NASA) chief Raila Odinga yesterday accused the Jubilee government of eroding the gains made by the country after the second liberation.

Raila, who spoke at the historic Kamukunji grounds as he relived the painful memories of Saba Saba Day in Nairobi, asked Kenyans to send President Uhuru Kenyatta packing in the coming polls, saying he has failed to steer the country in the right direction.

“Jobs are impossible for the young to find and thousands of businesses have collapsed in the face of unbridled corruption and cronyism, which have seen wealth restricted to only a few,” he said.

Second liberation

The NASA presidential flag-bearer drew parallels between 1990 when the second liberation began and the current situation, singling out corruption, high cost of living and hunger as some of the issues that should unite the country to vote out the current regime.

“We stand at a similar juncture today. Kenyans have never been as deeply deprived as they are now. Hunger stalks the land, basic housing and health services have been degraded like never before,” Raila told hundreds of his supporters yesterday.

“Jubilee’s disastrous reign will surely end next month. It is so utterly out of touch with the suffering of ordinary Kenyans,” he said, adding that the ruling party’s manifesto unveiled last week offered a continuation of same policies which have ruined the country.

Raila took his supporters down the memory lane, recounting the events that culminated in his arrest.
He narrated how Kamukunji was soaked in blood as they rebelled, adding that hundreds of inn ocent citizens lost their lives in the process, with the brutality of the police shocking the entire world.

“The images of that brutality outraged Kenyans and indeed the world, and left no choice for the government but to give in to a united people’s demands for the restoration of democracy we had won nearly 40 years earlier,” he said.

NASA principals Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetang’ula were present as was Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, senators James Orengo (Siaya), Johstone Muthama (Machakos) and Elizabeth Ongoro (nominated ).

The NASA brigade snubbed a Saba Saba peace prayer service attended by President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto.

Pledge for peace

The prayer, organised by the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya was held at Uhuru Park in Nairobi and attended by representatives of  churches and their followers.

On Sunday, Raila’s campaign team had released a campaign itinerary indicating the NASA chief would attend the prayers at Uhuru Park before proceeding to Kamkunji grounds for a rally in the afternoon.

And on Tuesday, the Opposition leader spoke at a press conference and invited his supporters to Uhuru Park for the morning prayers.

During the prayers at Uhuru Park, President Kenyatta read a pledge, promising to promote peace before, during and after the August 8 General Election.

“I do hereby pledge to be a peaceful person, to promote and maintain peace, during the campaigns, the elections and after the elections. I will use all the power at my disposal to ensure that true peace reigns in this nation. Oh help me God to fulfill this solemn vow,” he said.