CORD leader Raila Odinga

CORD leader Raila Odinga has said the Opposition is not shaken by the planned merger of Jubilee affiliate parties.

Raila dismissed the merger as the coming together of small parties of no consequence and that such a move will not dampen the Opposition's resolve to clinch power next year.

"We are not worried because most of the political parties in the merger are small outfits that will not add any value to their 'tribal' outfit," he stated.

Raila said some of the leaders joining the merger have been bought and they do not have the interest of the people who elected them at heart but are out to make selfish political gains.

"Why would an MP or governor claim to be going to Jubilee to look for projects when the Constitution mandates Parliament to prepare the budget for the entire 47 devolved units?" asked Raila.

His sentiments came hot on the heels of ongoing arrangements to launch Jubilee Party on Saturday. The event will bring together about 10,000 delegates from at least 10 parties.

But speaking yesterday at Lukusi trading centre in Shinyalu during his second day tour of Kakamega County, Raila allayed fears that CORD will crumble when the time to pick the presidential candidate comes.

"We have three affiliate parties in CORD and the desire by each co-principal to become the torch bearer is normal and it will not split the party in any way, because, in the end, we shall agree on a one candidate," he explained.

He likened the competition in the Opposition to babies scrambling for their mothers breast milk. "We are not as tribal as Jubilee and our party does not discriminate against any tribe and race because we are focused on forming a people's government," he added.

Leader of Majority in the National Assembly Aden Duale has indicated that five governors and 35 Opposition legislators are set to decamp to Jubilee Party during the much-awaited launch.

Raila said CORD, even with the Jubilee merger, has the goodwill from Kenyans and capacity to send President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy, William Ruto, home.

He cited his successful push to have the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) removed and to further review the law to guarantee parties a level playground, as some of the success of CORD.

"What we need to do now is to have all the youths get themselves both the National Identity cards and voter's card in preparation for the titanic duel ahead of us, because, our mission is to win the next election," he explained.