President William Ruto.

President William Ruto now says prices of maize flour will be lowered from next week.

Speaking in Machakos on Friday, April 14 after launching the Mavoko Water Project, the president said lowering maize flour prices is a major issue.

"By next week, you will begin seeing new prices in maize. The price of unga will go down and we have to ensure that the maize we are importing from other countries does not affect our farmers because they are the ones we depend on here. I am aware the cost of living has risen but on this, we had agreed that Kenyans must purchase maize flour at better prices," Ruto said.

This comes after Azimio leader Raila Odinga asked the government to consider bringing down prices of food commodities, stating that it is a top agenda in the bipartisan talks.

On Friday, the High Court temporarily stopped Agricultural Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi's move to import maize from Zambia.

Ruto also mentioned that the protests would not lower food prices, but focusing on development could.

"Protesting from morning to evening with sufurias on your heads won't lower the cost of food commodities. It is only through increased agricultural production that food prices can come down, and it's our work as leaders to help you [Kenyans] improve your farm produce," he said.