Kitui County Senator Enoch Wambua. [File, Standard]

The Senator of Kitui County Enoch Wambua was on Thursday, January 19 barred from addressing fellow senators remotely over what Speaker Amason Kingi termed inappropriate dressing.

Wambua, who addressed the House via Zoom, had switched off his camera, but was asked to turn it on by Speaker Kingi.

"You may not be able to proceed before you put your camera on because we need to know your location and how you're dressed," Kingi told the lawmaker.

When he switched on his camera, Wambua was seen dressed in a red jacket that has the Kenyan flag drawn on it.

"Your dressing does not meet the dress code as required by the standards of the Senate. You may be proceeding to a soccer pitch. I am afraid you may not proceed to make your contribution because you're not dressed appropriately," Kingi said before switching off Wambua's connection.

The Senate met on Thursday for a special sitting to debate on whether to adjust or change the guidelines on persons selecting IEBC commissioners.

This follows the exits of IEBC chairperson Wafula Chebukati, commissioners Abdi Guliye and Boya Molu, whose non-renewable six-year terms have ended.

At the same time, the commission is seeking to replace commissioners Juliana Cherera, Justus Nyang'aya and Francis Wanderi who resigned in the wake of investigations into their conduct during the August 9, 2022 General Election.

The senators reconvened from recess to consider the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2022 following a Gazette Notice.

The Bill, which was introduced in the Senate for its First Reading last month following its passage in the National Assembly, seeks to change the composition of the IEBC selection panel.