For beginners, two to three days a week is enough. If you’re more advanced, you can work out for up to four to five days a week.

High intensity intermittent training is considered to be much more effective than normal cardio when it comes to losing weight because it has a greater calorie burn maintained even after the workout is over. It also speeds up the metabolism helping you burn more calories throughout the day.

For beginners, two to three days a week is enough. If you’re more advanced, you can work out for up to four to five days a week.


Outdoor workout

For a fat-blasting workout, run as fast as you can for one minute and then walk for two minutes. Repeat five times. In the gym, you can easily do this on the treadmill.


Indoor workout

Duration: 10 minutes

As fast as you can do 10 lunge jumps, 20 push-ups, 30 squat, 40 chair-drops and 50 mountain climbers then repeat.



Give each exercise your all with a 30 second interval between them)

50 sit-ups, 40 jump squats (perform a small jump at the end of the squat),

30 push-ups, 20 split jumps (jumping lunges), 10 triceps dips and 30-second burpees.

~Do these every other day, the aim is to do it in less and less time.


Weight training – Weight training is already a form of HIIT only that you need to shorten the rest period between sets.

~Talk to your fitness instructor to custom make a HIIT workout for you for every muscle group you want to build up.


 HIIT Tips:

Warm up is very important to avoid excessively sore muscles.

Do not exceed four HIIT sessions a week, and not for more than 30 minutes.

If you started with 15-minute workouts, after three weeks, take things up a notch by adding five more minutes to your routine.