Ndalani MCA Stephen Muthuka, who issued a notice of Motion to debate the impeachment of Governor Alfred Mutua addresses the press outside the Machakos County Assembly chambers yesterday. [PHOTO: JOHN MUIA/STANDARD]

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua is the latest county boss to face an impeachment motion for alleged corruption, abuse of office and failure to adhere to leadership and integrity principles.

Ndalani MCA Stephen Muthuka yesterday submitted notice of motion of impeachment to the Speaker of the county assembly, paving way for debate and ultimately a vote to either send Dr Mutua home or retain him.

The law requires that the county assembly clerk upon receipt of the notice writes to the governor, detailing the accusations cited for his removal, to which he is required to respond within seven days, either in person or through his legal counsel.

Mutua will be required to defend himself on Wednesday next week, after which the assembly will debate the matter within three days and subsequently take a vote.

MCAs accuse the governor of corruption and misuse of public funds running into hundreds of millions of shillings.

Among the key accusations against the governor is that his government made a fictitious payment of Sh89 million for desilting of Maruba Dam.