A  US-based Kenyan born doctor says the US president’s visit is a sign of confidence that United States has in Kenya. The Makerere University trained John Matseshe, who is a gastro-enterologist based in Illinois, US advised Kenyans to share their challenges including corruption with President Obama, saying it is an honour to host a sitting US president.

“President Obama’s visit is important to Kenya on several levels. It is the first time a sitting US President is visiting the country,” says Dr Matseshe, who first went to the US more than 46 years ago.

“It is also significant because it is a sign of the good relations the US has with the Government. They should candidly share issues on corruption without a feeling that the US is lecturing them,” he added.

He said the visit should be seen beyond the fact that Obama has ancestral links with Kenya.

Young democracy

“There are more than 186 countries in the world. President Obama cannot visit all of them. So, Kenyans should consider themselves lucky to have him here.”

He said Kenya has a lot to gain from the US on issues of governance, corruption and devolution.

“Compared to the US, Kenya is a young democracy which stands to learn a lot from the US. So, if President Obama talks tough on corruption and tribalism, that should be taken in good faith that he means well for this country,” Dr Matseshe, a cousin to the late Chief Justice Zacchaeus Chesoni said.

He called on Kenyans to demonstrate to the world that the country is important and has its rightful place in the history of nations.

He said the US has played a major role in Kenya’s education sector as he is one of the beneficiaries of the famous airlifts of the late 1950’s and 1960’s.

“We were in the US with Obama the senior, courtesy of the goodwill of the Americans,” he said.