By Thorn Mulli

The king of Mandingo kingdom, Papa, had ruled justly since his crowning. Most, if not all, of his subjects agreed that Mandingo had never seen such development like that under his watch.

At first, King Papa was solely focused on running affairs in his kingdom that he did not lend his ear to gossip. Like most men, however, the insistent praise eventually got to his head and he began questioning the power of the creator.

He became so conceited that he became drunk in his own power. Not even members his council dared point out his folly. They were too scared of the powerful king.

Now, the king had a shy, but trustworthy squire named Pole. Every time the youth served him his favourite drink, he would mutter, “My King, everything God does is perfect. He never makes mistakes.” The now proud king began getting irked by Pole’s muttering, but did not act.

One day, the king and his squire were out hunting when a cornered leopard charged at them. Master and servant managed to spear the animal to death, but that did not prevent his majesty from losing a finger to the beast.

Furious and without showing gratitude, the King yelled, If God was perfect, a good king such as I would not have lost a finger. To his surprise, Pole calmly asserted that despite everything, God is perfect and that he is never wrong. Outraged by the response, the King ordered the arrest of his servant.

While being taken to prison, Pole continued muttering that God was perfect and was never wrong.

Days went by and pole was forgotten as the king’s pride continued to know no bounds. On one of his hunting escapades, the lone king fell into the hands of a savage tribe.

It was customary for them to sacrifice strangers to their gods and they were about to do that before they noticed that their sacrifice was short one finger. Unfit to be offered to the gods, the shaken king was released.

Upon finding his way back to the palace, he ordered the release of Pole exclaiming, “My friend, God was really good to me. I was almost killed, but for lack of a finger, I was let go. I, however, have a question; If God is so perfect, why did He allow me to throw you in dungeon?

To this Pole responded, “My king, if I had not been put in prison, I would have accompanied you for your hunt and probably ended up a sacrifice because I have no missing finger.”

Everything God does is perfect, He is never wrong. We often complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that everything happens for a purpose.