Kakamega County Assembly MCA,s at the assembly during the opening of the third session on February 10,2015. The assembly was addressed by the Kakamega County Governor Wycliffe Oparanya. By Benjamin Sakwa        [PHOTO STANDARD]

Kakamega , Kenya: Members of the County Assembly could be surcharged on the excess allowances they take home.

Senate's Public Account's Commitee (PAC) Chair Boni Khalwale said he was privy to an Auditor General and Controller of Budget's reports, which show extravagance in use of public funds.

He cited the Kakamega County Government kitty of Sh7.4 and Sh7.9 billion the county received in the last two financial years respectively, which have been misused.

"MCAs will have to return all the money pocketed unconstitutionally. We will make a recommendation as the Public Accounts Committee in Senate to have them refund that money," said Dr Khalwale.

MCAs are entitled to Sh3 million mortgage allowance, Sh2 million car loan besides mileage allowances.