The military chopper that dropped President Uhuru at Kisumu airport where he boarded his official jet to Uganda.

President Uhuru Kenyatta made an unannounced stopover at the Kisumu International Airport, catching a number of security chiefs, and residents unawares.

The President flew in from Eldoret in a military chopper shortly before midday and quickly moved over to his official jet that flew him to Uganda.

A police officer who was among the few sent to the Airport said the President did not leave the airside to the VIP lounge.

“He spent a very short time at the airport. He landed in a military chopper and quickly boarded the white Jet that flew him out of Kisumu,” said the officer who requested anonymity because he is not allowed to speak about the Presidency.

Standard Digital established that the President used the jet to fly to Uganda for an official visit.

“He just flew to Kisumu to change planes. There is nothing much,” said a senior government official.

President Kenyatta’s stopover only became public after civilians who saw him arrive posted pictures on the internet.