They have all the footage, which should give them a clear sense of the crime.

The phone calls should also give some clue as to the people he was talking to. The problem is that all this information will be tampered with to make it difficult to connect the dots.

Such mysterious killings don’t get resolved, and this one will be no exception.

- Sifu Msafiri

There appears to be a lot of useful evidence pertaining to this man’s murder.

From the calls to the CCTV footage, what was really distressing Mr Msando? Could it be the State, the Opposition, or some desperate politicians?

The evidence should unravel the mystery surrounding his death.

- Josh Kamuren Kibon

This is a day of shame and sorrow. A murderer is just a coward. That is what I will call those who took Chris

is what I will call those who took Chris Msando’s life – they are despicable, inhuman and cowardly beings. Chris was a son, a husband and a father.

He is the son of a community.

Chris was a patriot who sought to use his celebrated ICT genius and skills to enable Kenyans to choose their Government in a free and fair manner.

- Nyadimo Kenas

The investigations will take us nowhere.

This guy reported death threats and the police have so far not told us the steps they took after receiving the information. I can bet that this death will join the list of the other many “mysterious” deaths that have happened in the past.

- Kumuseno Kumuseno