President Uhuru Kenyatta has taken a strategic step and lead in his bid to seize and dominate Nairobi politics ahead of the August 8 General Elections.

It was a bold step on Monday for President Uhuru to personally take the initiative to lead his own campaign and steer Jubilee Party to safe waters ahead of the General Elections. Critics can now look away as the over 4,000 jubilee losers, who were expected to rock the party from within, have come on board and endorsed the candidature of the president.

Jubilee’s Nairobi Senatorial candidate Johnson Sakaja says Uhuru move to tour the city on Monday on his way to presenting nomination paper for reelection was a clear affirmation we was ready for the battle.

“The President got the unexpected endorsement if the number of people who turned up to cheer him and welcome him is anything to go by. Nairobi has been locked and it is Jubilee’s stronghold now. We have youth all interested to take this campaign to the next level because the President has addressed their plight in his first term in office,” said Sakaja.

Now President Uhuru Kenyatta wants Nairobi residents to avoid the temptation of registering and voting in their home counties. This he said will help in securing the elective position in the city for Jubilee candidates.

The head of state maintained that the destiny of the city lies with its residents who should elect development oriented leaders. President Kenyatta challenged city dwellers to test the leadership of Jubilee at the governorship level.

Hopes of the opposition to scuttle Jubilee votes by sponsoring independent candidates will hit a snug as all the 4000 losers from jubilee in the party nomination have a part to play in the reelection of President Uhuru and have been factored in the campaign.

Jubilee’s choice of candidates in Nairobi has also been lauded as all inclusive. The Party is now working with politicians who wield influence to facilitate agents appointed by their political parties to drum up support for President Uhuru. Some of the point men have been assigned to deliver a specified number of votes.

Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka says although there will be some resistance in Western, the tide is clearly turning in Jubilee’s favour. Lusaka aims to galvanize the Jubilee campaign in his county to help President Uhuru to get more votes from the 559,897 Ford Kenya supporters in an area where NASA summit leader and Senator Moses Wetang’ula still hold some peripheral influence.

Jubilee also believes it has made significant inroads in the Coast region and has made several forays into the area including, last week’s trip by Uhuru and his deputy William Ruto to the region.

Jubilee is keen to erase any doubt about President Uhuru reelection and want to win by a big margin. In 2013, Raila Odinga, then contesting on Cord ticket, defeated President Uhuru Kenyatta in five provinces out of the eight regions including diaspora. However, President Kenyatta won by a big margin especially in Central and Rift Valley, which propelled him to win the poll by getting 6,173,433 votes.