I came from the diaspora late December 2016 and headed to the NSSF Kakamega branch office to get my benefits. However, after filling in the forms and attaching all the required documents, I was told that NSSF does not accept the Kenyan passport as a document of identification.

Because I had lost my ID card, I had no other option but to apply for a replacement, which was delivered after about a month. I went back to NSSF office hoping that the documents will be accepted, but to my surprise this was not the case.

At the time I exited my employment in 2003, my employer gave me a document titled “CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE”. Again to which the Compliance Officer told me was not acceptable. I contacted my former employer and they did a letter stating that I worked for them but had since exited.

I presented my documents again and this time they were accepted. But this marked the beginning of my woes with NSSF. Every time I go to make a follow up, I meet one very insensitive woman whose reply is always “you are not the only one”.

Over 40 days, as opposed to 15 days set by NSSF to pay benefits, are gone since I made my application to withdraw from NSSF but no cheque yet. My efforts to see the branch manager for an explanation have been futile. It is good to save for your old age. But when it is very hard, as it is now, to be paid your benefits, then it is better not to save at all. With problems of joblessness I am really in trouble. I thought I could get school fees out of the benefits for this school term but eh... my child is out of school due to lack of fees, thanks to NSSF.

NSSF please come out and clear the air. Are you having cash problems and therefore unable to pay retirees?