“Where two or more are gathered, the Lord’s presence is among them” so says the good book. However, politicians read from a different book. According to their version, “Where two or more are gathered, politics is among them.”

So opportunistic have they become that they literally speak politics at any and every stage! From church services to funeral services, they don’t know when or how to stop!

We have seen it over and over again such that it has become normal. They take over a funeral service such that the main man/woman of the day, the deceased, takes a back seat while they and their never ending battle of who is better take a front seat.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with a politician attending whichever ceremony. My problem comes when they shamelessly (I mean no offence) take over that particular ceremony.

They overlook the fact that a family is grieving the loss of a loved one. To them, that is just but a stage to sell their political agendas to mwananchis.

But perhaps we are to blame. Never even once has a family member stood to shoot them down! When a guest goes out of line and I as the host do or say nothing to put him/her in check then that guest will only go on!

Churches too have not been spared! They take over the masses and sermons and blatantly disrespect the sanctity of the house of the Lord as the congregation and the priest or pastors cheer them on. I say cheer because they do nothing to stop them.

Its common sense that a burial ceremony should be just that and so should a church service. However, common sense is not so common.

The good book goes further to state that everything has its own time. Leave the politics to the political arenas. When invited to non-political ceremonies do us all a favor and keep the politics to you!