There is a very strong wave in Rift valley; the place is too hot for our Deputy president William Ruto. It’s all about supremacy war between him and Baringo Senator Gideon Moi, as well as Bomet County Governor Isaac Ruto who has made it clear that he no longer supports Jubilee government or has anything to do with Deputy President himself.

In Kericho by election, though Aron Cheruiyot won square; there was no winner or loser because both KANU and JAP belong to JUBILEE government. It was a chopper battle and this clearly tells how 2017 election will be a do or die between JAP and ODM brigades.

The next general election is all about young against old politicians of this country and Aron’s win sends a very strong message that it’s time for youth to take over. Deputy President had earlier decided to camp in South Rift to campaign for 29 years old Aron Cheruiyot who was battling out with former Member of Parliament Paul Sang.

Now, let’s see DP Ruto’s probability to ascend to power in the year 2022. Since we attained independence in 1964, we have had four presidents, two prime ministers, ten vice presidents and one Deputy President. But non except one prime minister ascended directly to be the president and this was Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. None of the ten former vice presidents succeeded a retiring president. Many face rebellions while serving as vice presidents. Moi served as a victim in 1976 when a section of politicians advocated for change of the constitution to repeal a section that provided the Vice President to act for 90 days in case a sitting president dies.

Professor Josphat Karanja had his woes as well, same to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga and Professor George Saitoti who was told to the face by the then President Daniel Arap Moi that; politics and friendship are two different things and that he will support the son of a former president who is now the youngest sitting President in Kenya HE Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta.

Allow me to revisit the case of Professor Josphat Karanja whose tenure as Kenya’s 5th Vice president was unceremoniously brought to an end when he resigned to avoid a vote of no confidence when his own kinsman David Mwenje accused him of plotting to overthrow the government of President Moi. Prior to this, he had faced a spirited fight by a not so well known Kuria Kanyigi who can be equated to Isaac Ruto of our time and generation.

Professor Karanja was picked as a perfect choice to divide the Kikuyus by driving Nyeri against Kiambu for ease of ruling. Such a plot is successfully executed by carefully picking a kinsman to fight his own.

Whoever is keen about what is currently happening in Rift valley may not be totally out of context to say that a repeat of Karanja’s woes is under execution. There is a high likelihood to divide the Kalenjin by pitting the populous Kipsigis against the second largest Kalenjin tribe-Nandi.

What is going to be the impact of rebellion in DP Ruto home tuff on succeeding Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022? Will the Deputy President William Ruto make history in Kenya as the first person who is second in command to succeed a retiring President?

The road to Presidency 2022 is getting more and more rough and bumpy with time for Deputy President Ruto more so by the fact that his allies are leaving him one by one, the latest being Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi who accused him of false promises and his stubbornness. That said time will tell whether he will break history’s routine as he has always or history will continue repeating itself!