A lobby group yesterday threatened to go to court over the appointment of Joe Sang as Kenya Pipeline's managing director.

Consumers Federation of Kenya (COFEK) gave President Uhuru Kenyatta a 14-day ultimatum to nullify the appointment, citing nepotism and a shadowy recruitment process.

COFEK Secretary General Stephen Mutoro also want the Ethics and Ant-Corruption Commission to investigate the recruitment process that handed Mr Sang the plum position.

They also want the KPC board to publish the list of the applicants and their respective qualifications as well as the basis used to settle on Sang.

"In the event the appointment is not revoked in the next 14 days, Cofek may proceed to court to seek for a nullification of recruitment," threatened the lobby.

COFEK accused Energy Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter of being biased in making appointments in the ministry.

"Fears that Mr Sang is closely related to Energy and Petroleum Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter point to a fraudulent appointment," claimed Mutoro.

Sang was acting KPC boss since January 4, this year.