NAIROBI: Schools have reopened and students are expected to settle in quickly. This is also the shortest school term so students need to make good use of every minute they have. Here is how to take control of your study time:

Have a to-do list: Prioritise your list from most important to least important then start with the more urgent activities. Reward yourself once everything on your list is done.

Take responsibility: Wherever you go, keep your work with you so that when you find you have some extra time, for example when traveling home in a matatu or school bus, you can get some work done. This shows responsibility on your part.

Say no: You cannot please everyone so have the courage to reject plans that will derail or cut into your study time. Your are better off, for example, turning down a movie date than getting a D in your exams.

Identify your productive time: When I was a student, I preferred waking up at 3am to read than staying up late. I was more productive during these hours. Find a time that works for you and stick to it. Efficiency is at its best when you are at your best.

Plan your time: Just like we budget for our money, it is also important to budget your time. Create a weekly schedule for your activities after you figure them out and follow it to the letter. Remember all work and no play is unhealthy so be sure to schedule in some relaxation time.

Don't get side-tracked: Focus, focus, focus! Eliminate the non-essentials. If, for example, you are stuck with some school work which you do not understand, talk to your teacher so they can help you move ahead. Before taking on any activity, ask yourself, 'is it important or can I do without it?'.

Good night's sleep: Yes, you need to read hard but your brain also needs rest for it to perform at its peak. When it is time to sleep, go ahead and sleep. Anything pending can be moved to the following day's to-do list.

Generally, the more you get into the habit of managing your time, the more disciplined you will become and the easier it will be to accomplish professional goals.