Migori Senator Wilfred Machage (left) with Cord leader Raila Odinga and Migori Governor Okoth Obado during a rally at the Kehancha Cereals grounds in Kuria West. (Photo: Denish Ochieng/ Standard)

Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) leader Raila Odinga has continued with calls for a referendum, saying it is the only way the living standards of Kenyans can improve.

The former premier said a national vote would increase funds to the grass-roots and increase opportunities for the youth currently wallowing in unemployment.

Raila was addressing the public at Kehancha in Kuria, during his two-day tour of Migori County.

“The provision of the Constitution is at least 15 per cent, the Jubilee government has, however, not shown any interest in increasing this amount and that is the reason we are coming to the people to help us save the entire nation by having a referendum to amend clauses that will help increase this amount that should go to the counties,” he said.

He added: “There are several communities in many counties that do not still feel as part and parcel of this beautiful nation. A referendum would allow all communities to enjoy national resources. We are all citizens of this nation and all of us pay taxes to the national government. We should have a proper formula to end marginalisation in this region.”

Raila said the Okoa Kenya initiative is in its last stages and soon Kenyans would be able to download soft copies of the Okoa Kenya draft bills.

Three issues

“We have reduced the issues to three;  devolution, inclusivity and restructuring of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). We want to firmly anchor devolution in the Constitution so that Kenyans continue to reap its benefits,” he said.

On the expected Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) grassroots elections to be held at the end of this month, Raila urged party supporters to elect credible leaders.

“We have staggered the elections from July to October. Let us be proud that ODM is the one party that does elections. Let’s use this moment to rebuild the party,” he said.

Raila also challenged the Government to respect the court order that offered teachers a 50-60 per cent salary increment.

“Teachers have been neglected for a very long time. I managed to arbitrate between the Government and teachers. Promises have been made for a long time but not even a single promise was ever fulfilled,” he said.

The opposition leader also challenged the Government to charge corrupt officials in the National Youth Service (NYS).

“In NYS there is corruption that is paralysing many things in this country. The Jubilee government has a lot of greedy people and all they do is eat public money,” he said.