Rediscovery race in Nandi
22 year old Emmanual Bor celebrates before crossing the winning line during recovery race held at Namkoi Secondary School's grounds in Nandi County yesterday. 29.03.2015. Picture By Peter Ochieng

Emmanuel Bor, 22, and Dusseldorf Marathon champion Agnes Barsosio ruled the Re-Discover Nandi 10 km men and women’s road race in Kapsabet in Nandi County on Sunday.

The race, which started at Kamonjil area in Emgwen Constituency, passed through Chebarbar junction into Eldoret-Kapsabet road to the finish line at Namgoi Secondary School in the outskirts of Kapsabet Town, saw Barsosio beat the women after timing 36:55:60.

Fresh from finishing third at the Chongking Marathon last Sunday, Barsosio, the Dusseldorf Marathon champion, faced stiff competition from Pascalia Jepkorir and Eunice Chebichii. Barsosio said: “I did not expect to win, but I thank God for the victory today.”
Chebichii came in second at the 10km race after clocking 36:60:40. Viola Chepchumba was third after timing 37:08:30 followed by Naomi Maiyo in 37:20:10.

Pamela Chepkoech (37:60:50), Betty Cheplong (37:60:80), Pascalia Jepkorir (38:01:10), Rachel Kosgei (38:04:70), Eunice Chepkorir (38:10:20) and Chelagat Sang (38:08:40) completed the top ten positions in that order.

posted best time

In the men’s race, Bor cut the tape in 31:17:63 followed by Alfred Kimeli (31:32:10) and by another Daniel Kiprotich (31:43:91).

“I would have posted the best time but the terrain was too hilly, I however thank God I won,” said Bor.

Others were Solomon Soi (31:45:69) Aaron Sirma (31:54:73), Vincent Tanui (32:00:71), Abraham Kiptum (32:01:27), Daniel Mkungo (32:18:29), Peter Lagat (32:23:52) and Philip Birech (32:28:49) in that order during the race watched by National Olympics Committee of Kenya chairman Kipchego Keino, 2008 Olympic gold medalist Alfred Bungei and 1992 Olympic silver medalist Patrick Sang among others.

Bungei said: “We started this race to give upcoming athletes from this region (Kapsabet) a chance to showcase their talent and benefit.”

Sang, on his part, tipped the race to open up Nandi County to competition and talent discovery.