Raila's son Fidel odinga talking on mobilephone

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Council of Chairpersons has condemned youths who have allegedly used the demise of Fidel Odinga, son of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, to stir political animosity on social media.

Secretary to the council Philip Makabong'o said many youths across the country resorted to attacking each other on Facebook immediately news of Fidel's death was announced.

Makabong'o said speculation on the cause of Fidel's death did nothing but widen political rifts in the country.

"The youths have resorted to making wild speculations while others are insulting one another over the demise of Fidel Odinga. This is uncalled for. The family of former Prime Minister is grieving. The best we can do is to condole with them during this hard time," said Makabong'o.

He said Fidel contributed immensely to the nation as a businessman and even employed many youths. "The late Fidel was an entrepreneur who mentored many youths from all over the nation. He did not choose who to help," he noted.

Meanwhile, the Pentecostal Evangelism Fellowship of Africa Bishop John Okinda condoled with the family, describing Fidel as an accommodating and a jovial person.

"His contributions are evident in Nairobi, Kisumu and other towns. He was always ready to help all irrespective of your tribe. His departure is a blow to Kenya," said Dr Okinda.