Migori, Kenya: Bodaboda operators in Migori have lynched a man suspected to be behind a series of attacks on the operators in a recent spate of insecurity in the area.

The operators who blamed police of their laxity resorted to taking law into their hand and promised to clear the suspects who have been reaping from their business unfairly and even killing some of them.

On Sunday, a man, Abich Mbusro, suspected to be behind the recent killing of Eliakim Paul, a bodaboda operator was lynched by the angry boda boda operators in Oruba and his property set ablaze.

The operators said the attacks have seen many lose their motor cycles and led to lose of lives, with the latest victim being Eliakim Paul who was found killed and damped on a highway.

They say the most hit areas are The Oruba Estates, Nyasare and Kadika where many have sustained injuries or lost lives while battling with their attackers.

Most of them had earlier resorted to closing businesses early to avoid the darkness which the attackers often take advantage of to execute their heinous acts.

Migori OCPD, Moses Chepyegon however faulted the operators move to kill the suspect saying that the law ought to be applied in all the operations.

"The public should inform the police on any suspect not taking law into their hands, they should work closely with the police, and ensure that they are arrested and tried. Many a time we have seen people who are innocent killed by the public," said Chepyegon.