NAIROBI, KENYA: A cash deposit slip used by  a suspect linked to the Westgate terror attack yesterday became the subject of debate between the defence and a prosecution witness.

The two sides differed as to whether it should be admitted as part of evidence at the ongoing trial of four suspects believed to be behind the terror attack.

Lawyer Mbugua  Muriethi sought to know from Grace  Wamuru, a cashier with Barclays Bank’s Queensway branch, how she was able to distinguish deposit slips and customers she served on September 6  last year when the alleged transaction took place.

While testifying, Ms Wamuru had informed court that on the material day, she reported to work at around noon and stayed upto 8pm when a customer by name Elvis R.A Wenllow approached her desk shortly after the bank had closed its main door.

She said the customer was forced to go back to the banking hall after which he came back and decided to deposit $3,900 to bank account number 0651644189.

She added that each cashier at the bank was assigned a stamp with unique features and she was in a position to identify the stamp she used on that day.