One of the reasons why there are many bachelors out there is that our women are more interested in old rich men.

If by now you still think I am writing a cock and bull story, you need to look around and you will be surprised by the tens of young women in the arms of old men. Young girls are dating relatively old men who ordinarily should be spending their sunset years telling folktales to their grandchildren, and not making procreating anymore.

By the way, I think there should be a law against men who procreate past a certain age because they are leaving so many orphans all over the place.

This matter has been on my mind for some time. But the more I think about it, the more it becomes clear that perhaps the old geezers are not to blame. Look, it’s not like they invade the dating scene and snatch away young chicks — literally — from the hands of young men.

Struggling men

The old men are having a field day because young girls no longer have the patience of their grandmothers. And again, none of them wants to get married to a struggling man, but a man of means — never mind that he could be a multiple time divorcee, or worse, suffers from some old age disease.

And it is time someone told these shameless shortcut-taking women, that gold digging has to simply come to an end.

I mean, why would a young girl want to be a sad widow in her 20’s or 30’s? Let me be damned, but let’s face the facts, we are not living in the Biblical times, and therefore, chances of your old man being around yours forever are minimal, assuming — and God forbid — you don’t meet your maker before he does.

In other words, sisters, let the old man enjoy his pension in peace, without you stressing him to give you money to buy high heels. You can always make your own money and find a man within your age group to marry.

From the dozens of couples I have interviewed, majority of them said there is nothing an ordinary husband and wife enjoy that they didn’t struggle for. It’s satisfying to sweat it out together and later enjoy the memories and the fruits of your labour.


To cut to the chase, you may think your old man is a fool and would leave everything to your name, but as many women have sadly woken up to, most of the old men are very crafty!

For instance, many young girls have been promised the world, but upon the demise of their old men, it dawns on them that a Will had been written long ago — with them conspicuously missing! Anyway, if you’re in doubt, go a head and try it but don’t say I didn’t warn you!